Grant Shapps Welwyn Hatfield Survey 2024

Let Grant Shapps know what you think about a number of local, national and international issues. 

Grant Shapps - Welwyn Hatfield Survey 2024

  • Current 1. Local Welwyn Hatfield Issues
  • 2. National Issues
  • 3. Elections
  • Your details
1. On a scale where 0 is very dissatisfied and 5 is very satisfied, how satisfied are you with Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council?
2. Do you think Welwyn Hatfield Council is performing better or worse than it was a year ago?
5. How well do you think Grant Shapps does as Welwyn Hatfield's Member of Parliament?
On this scale, 5 means you think Grant does well, and 0 means you think he does not.